Patrick Verhaegen

Patrick Verhaegen was born on March 21, 1972 in Heist-op-den-Berg and grew up in the municipality of Hallaar. At the Royal Fanfare Band 'De Berthoutzonen' from Hallaar and the music academy of Heist-op-den-Berg he received his first music lessons as a brass player. Later, from 1990 to 1995, he studied musicology at the KULeuven and the Universitet i Oslo. After his studies he always worked as a music teacher at various institutions and associations and was active as a conductor with both youth and adult orchestras.

Currently Patrick Verhaegen still lives in his village Hallaar with his wife and 4 children. He is teacher at the music academy of Heist-op-den-Berg. He is conductor of the "De Eendracht" from Keerbergen and also conducts Royal wind band "Rust Roest-Verbroedering" from Heist-op-den-Berg.

Patrick  Verhaegen

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