Wouter Vercruysse

Wouter Vercruysse

Wouter Vercruysse (°1988) took his first steps in music at the academy of Harelbeke (B), where he graduated with Geert Verschaeve in 2006. Wouter obtained his master degree in trumpet in the class of Benny Wiame. During his studies, he took several master classes with Reinhold Friedrich, Kristian Steenstrup and David King, among others. Besides trumpet, Wouter also took lessons in conducting with Wim Belaen and Luc Vertommen. 

Wouter was first laureate of the 'Belfius Classics' and of the 'Lions Liederik Harelbeke Culture Prize' at the Harelbeke Academy.

As a freelance trumpet player, Wouter collaborated with the Flemish Opera and the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra. He has worked with conductors such as Phillippe Herreweghe, Edo De Waart, Dirk Brossé and Dmitri Jurowski. 

He is currently a playing member of K.F. St.-Cecilia Deerlijk and Brassband Leieland.

Wouter Vercruysse

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